
 Offering the IPL LASER & FRAXEL LASER. 

What is IPL LASER? With this laser you can easily clear many undesirable skin imperfections on your face and body. By targeting sun damage, brown spots and wrinkles this technology provides you with clear results and beautiful looking skin. 

How does it work?  Pulses of light energy are delivered deep into the skin, targeting unwanted pigment and stimulating collagen production. Once the energy is absorbed, your body's natural healing process will begin creating refreshed, healthy-looking skin.

What results can I expect?  You can expect to see a decrease in the appearance of brown spots, sun damage and wrinkles resulting in a smoother, more even skin tone. A series of treatments may be required for desired results.

Treatment time 15-30 min.  Our Dr. uses topical numbing for this procedure. 40 minutes numbing time

What is FRAXEL LASER? In just one treatment you can have a more youthful looking appearance with improved tone and texture of your skin. Achieve long lasting results without the pain and side effects associated with more invasive surgery. Best of all, you will still look like you-only better.

How does it work?  This fractional technology uses microbeams of energy to create areas of affected tissue that extend through the epidermis into the dermis. This triggers the body's natural healing process to create new, healthy collagen.

What results can I expect?  You will have an improvement in both tone and texture, resulting in younger looking skin

treatment time 15-30 min. Our Dr. uses topical numbing for this procedure. 40 minutes numbing time

IF YOU CHOOSE ONE LASER PRICE IS $299.00/ GET BOTH LASERS AT SAME TIME FOR $399.00   Lasers can be treated on hands and chest area.  Hands $200 and chest $250.00







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